Westervelt Ecological Services
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Zacharias Ranch Mitigation Bank

Zacharias Ranch Mitigation Bank

Sacramento County, CA

Wetland Restoration

WES is building upon the success of our prior floodplain restoration projects, such as the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank and Bullock Bend Mitigation Bank, to implement the 580-acre Zacharias Ranch Mitigation Bank. WES has collaborated closely with state and federal agencies to provide compensatory mitigation credits to support local infrastructure improvements. Credits from this bank will also assist in meeting mitigation requirements established by the Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Compensatory mitigation credits from this highly anticipated bank will cover sensitive aquatic resources and dependent species, such as Chinook salmon.

Have questions about mitigation credits or if you are in the right service area?

Please contact our sales team for additional information.

Restoration Plans

Restoration within the bank focuses on re-establishing connectivity between Snodgrass Slough and the historic floodplain. The re-establishment and preservation of Zacharias Ranch will contribute to regional ecological restoration targets while also serving as mitigation for various public and private development projects. WES is scheduled to begin construction on the site in 2025.

Tribal Partners

Wilton Rancheria

WES has worked closely with the Wilton Rancheria and other parties to provide a comprehensive approach to the restoration plan and bank operations. Through this collaboration, the Wilton Rancheria provided a list of plants with tribal cultural connections to consider including in our plant list for restoration. Additionally, WES has included language in our bank documents that specify access and use of the site by Wilton Rancheria for ceremony, collection, and education—demonstrating the protection of Tribal Trust Resources and supporting the Federal Trust Responsibility.

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