Westervelt Ecological Services

Red Bluff Mitigation Bank

Red Bluff Mitigation Bank - Pending

Jasper County, South Carolina

Stream and Wetland Mitigation

Red Bluff Mitigation Bank is 5,052 acres located on a 6,392 -acre tract adjacent to the New and Wright Rivers in Jasper County, SC. The Bank is in the Lower Savannah River and Calibogue Sound/Wright River watersheds, 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes 03060109 and 03060110 . The Bank is located within the Southern Coastal Plain Level III Ecoregion.

Photo Jul 17 2023_edited


The Bank will protect approximately 5,052.07 acres of streams and wetlands. The Bank will also protect approximately 346.7 acres uplands occurring adjacent to the marsh. An average 150-foot upland buffer will be placed around all salt marsh wetlands included within the bank.

The project will eventually restore and enhance approximately 188.54 acres of freshwater wetlands, 18.3 acres of tidal wetlands, and 2987 linear feet of freshwater streams. In addition, the project will perpetually protect an additional 166.5 acres of freshwater wetlands and 4,681 acres of tidal wetlands in the Beaufort/Jasper County watershed.

Photo Jun 28 2023, 11 42 41 AM