Westervelt Ecological Services
Point Farm

Point Farm Salt Marsh Mitigation Bank

Point Farm Salt Marsh Mitigation Bank

Charleston County, South Carolina

Point Farm

Point Farm Salt Marsh Mitigation Bank is 1,313 acres adjacent to Leadenwah Creek and North Edisto River in Charleston County, SC. The Bank is in the Edisto watershed, 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03050206 and within the Southern Coastal Plain Level III Ecoregion. Overall, the Bank protects approximately 1,166 acres of tidal salt marsh wetlands. The Bank also protects approximately 147 acres of uplands occurring adjacent to the marsh.

Birds_Point Farm

Additional habitat

The upland buffer includes mature maritime forest that will be preserved and areas that are currently cleared agriculture fields will be re-established as maritime forest. These areas contribute to the ecological functioning of jurisdictional aquatic resources within the Bank.

Additionally, The Bank includes the restoration of a 23-acre brackish water impoundment and a 15-acre freshwater impoundment. Over 1,107 acres of saltmarsh will be preserved to remove the threat of docks that could be constructed through the marsh.
