Westervelt Ecological Services
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Front Range Mitigation Bank

Morgan County, CO

Wetland Restoration

Front Range Mitigation Bank (FRMB) is a wetland compensatory mitigation bank located near the banks of the South Platte River just outside the City of Fort Morgan. The 109-acre site contains an herbaceous wetland complex and a warm water slough system that provides habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife species. This mitigation bank provides offsets for 404-regulated impacts and wetland impacts regulated under EO 11990 and state programs. FRMB is a multi-benefit project that will preserve the environmental functions of wetlands, such as flood control, sediment control, groundwater recharge, and water quality, and provide habitat to wildlife, bird viewing opportunities, and improved aesthetics.

Service Area

The service area for this bank will encompass all of the Middle-South Platte-Sterling, Pawnee, and Middle-South Platte-Cherry Creek watersheds. In addition, it will encompass portions of Sidney Draw, Crow, Upper Lodgepole, and Bijou watersheds.

Have questions about the service area or purchasing credits?

Please contact our sales team.