Westervelt Ecological Services
Photo Jun 20 2023, 12 24 09 PM

Duncan Creek Clinton Tract

Duncan Creek Clinton Tract PRM

Laurens County, South Carolina

Stream and Wetland Restoration

Duncan Creek Clinton Tract is the site for a Permittee-Responsible Mitigation (PRM) project that will offset impacts associated with a South Carolina Department of Commerce (SCDOC) project. The SCDOC, on behalf of an economic development client, has proposed to build an advanced manufacturing component assembly facility in Spartanburg, County, South Carolina. Development of the Site will require 12.6 wetland credits and 31,535 stream credits to offset the proposed impacts.


Historical Setting

Duncan Creek is 259 acres in Laurens County, South Carolina, approximately 6 miles northeast of Clinton. The Property is within the Enoree River watershed, 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03050108, and the Level 4 Ecoregion 45b, the Southern Outer Piedmont. The Property was historically used for agriculture and silviculture. Monoculture and clearcutting have negatively affected the streams and their buffers. Eight unnamed tributaries are within the Site, and Duncan Creek is along the southern border.

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Restoration work includes 6,002 linear feet of Priority 1 stream restoration, 1,194 linear feet of stream enhancement, and 6.46 acres of wetland enhancement. Additionally, the Site preserves 16.65 acres of functioning wetlands and 7,913 linear feet of functioning streams. The Open Space Institute purchased the Property for the PRM Plan and will donate it to the United States of America to become part of Sumter National Forest under the management of the United States Forest Service.

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