Westervelt Ecological Services
Burke Ranch Conservation Bank

Burke Ranch Conservation Bank

Burke Ranch Conservation Bank

Solano County, CA

Species and Wetland Conservation

As one of the largest vernal pool conservation banks in Solano County, the 964-acre Burke Ranch Conservation Bank hosts a number of listed species, including one of the few populations of the federally-listed Delta green ground beetle.

Nesting Swainson’s hawk has been recorded on-site for the past five years, as well as breeding of the California tiger salamander even during years of extreme drought. In addition, the bank has documented presence of vernal pool fairy shrimp, vernal pool tadpole shrimp, vernal pool conservancy fairy shrimp, and Burrowing owl.

Service Area

Burke Ranch has various service areas depending on credit type. WES wants to answer all your questions related to compensatory mitigation. Whether you have issues related to service areas, credit types, ratios, or agency approvals - we are here to help.

Have questions about purchasing mitigation credits or if you are in the right service area?

Please contact our sales team for additional information.

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