Westervelt Ecological Services
Site Aerial

Lower Boulder Creek Restoration Project

Lower Boulder Creek Restoration Project

City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks

Working with WES

In 2021, WES was retained by the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks department to develop a restoration plan that reestablishes floodplain conditions, including riparian and wetland habitat, on a previously gravel mined property along lower Boulder Creek in Boulder County, Colorado. For this scope, Westervelt conducted wetland delineation and prairie gentian, northern leopard frog, and Ute ladies’-tresses orchid habitat surveys, collected and analyzed soil core data and developed a comprehensive noxious species management plan, a seeding and planting plan, and a permitting matrix. Westervelt also provided oversight and management on third-party development of design sheets and reports to be issued for construction of the Project.

Lower Boulder Creek

Lower Boulder Creek LBC_2 LBC_3