Westervelt Ecological Services

Bullock Bend Mitigation Bank

Bullock Bend Mitigation Bank

Yolo County, CA

Wetland Mitigation

Bound on three sides by the Sacramento River, restoration of the Bullock Bend Mitigation Bank re-established connectivity between the river and the historic floodplain through the breach of a farm berm on the south side of the property. The 116-acre bank restores off-channel habitat and assists in the recovery of threatened salmonids, specifically juvenile fall-run, winter-run, and spring-run Chinook.

The property has been identified in the Sacramento River Conservation Area Forum Handbook (2003) as a key location within the planning conservation area appropriate for restoration projects. The site supports the objectives of the Recovery Plan for Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, and Central Valley steelhead.

Service Area

Bullock Bend has numerous different service areas based on credit type. WES wants to answer all your questions related to compensatory mitigation. Whether you have issues related to service areas, credit types, ratios, or agency approvals- we are here to help.

Have questions about the service area or purchasing mitigation credits?

Please contact our sales team.

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