Westervelt Ecological Services

Pensacola Bay Mitigation Bank

Pensacola Bay Mitigation Bank

Santa Rosa County, FL

Wetland Mitigation

The 1,205 acre site is located in Santa Rosa County and contiguous to the Florida Forever Acquisition Area called the Garcon Ecosystem Preserve. The bank is a compensatory mitigation alternative for wetland mitigation impacts to jurisdictional mixed hardwood and pine flatwoods.

The Garcon Peninsula contains some of the best pitcher plant prairies remaining in Florida and the Florida Forever Garcon Ecosystem project is charged with protecting and expanding these prairies. The carnivorous, white-topped pitcher plant, a state endangered plant species is located and protected within the mitigation bank, as is the panhandle lily. This project makes a significant contribution to the viability of the Garcon project by increasing the size of the preserve by approximately 15%.

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Service Area

WES wants to answer all your questions related to compensatory mitigation. Whether you have issues related to service areas, credit types, ratios, or agency approvals- we are here to help.

The service area for the Pensacola Bay Mitigation Bank includes land in Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa counties, which is a portion of four watersheds. The project is located in the “Pensacola Bay” watershed, and this constitutes the vast majority of the service area – small portions of: the Escambia watershed (north of Pensacola and west of Milton); the Blackwater watershed (which includes Milton); and the Choctawhatchee Bay watershed (includes Ft. Walton Beach area).
