Westervelt Ecological Services
Grasslands 9.26.18-1

Grasslands Mitigation Bank

Grasslands Mitigation Bank

Merced County, CA

Wetland Mitigation

Grasslands Mitigation Bank is a 281-acre site protecting giant garter snakes and seasonal wetlands in Merced County, California. The property is next to other protected lands managed for wildlife and wetlands. Operated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, The adjacent Volta Wildlife area supports the last remaining viable population of giant garter snakes within the San Joaquin Valley.

The Grasslands Mitigation Bank property expanded on the giant garter snake population’s habitat. The property also restored dendritic depressional seasonal wetlands, typical of the extensive ponded habitat historically found in the Grasslands region of the Central Valley of California.

GGS at Grasslands

Service Area

WES wants to answer all your questions related to compensatory mitigation. Whether you have issues related to service areas, credit types, ratios, or agency approvals- we are here to help.

The wetlands service area includes the EPA level III ecoregion (California Central Valley) within the two 6-digit HUCs that encompass the San Joaquin and Tulare Basins north of the Kings River. The Giant Garter snake service area consists of the Northern Tulare Basin, San Joaquin Basin and portions of the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta Recovery Units.
